Where small and difficult to freeze products need to be individually quick frozen at capacities between 400 kg/hr to 20,000 kg/hr, the MAX-Stream IQF Tunnel is a perfect solution, offering a range of compact and larger site built tunnels for products such as sliced and diced fruit and vegetables, seafood and diced, sliced, cubed and minced meat.
Compact One-Piece Tunnels or larger modular tunnels can typically handle between 200 – 4,000 kg/hr of product with short to medium dwell times. Belt levels can be single, double or triple level providing the ultimate in flexibility and belt widths between 1m and 2m to match existing line sizes if needed.
The Lomax Technical Sales and Project Team works closely with clients in the selection of the system to suit exact product and site space requirements and will advise of the best machine The Max-Stream IQF Tunnel is a modular design fluidised bed tunnel for the quick freezing of between 400 – 20,000 kg/hr of product that requires high quality IQF freezing. Products such as diced and sliced fruit and vegetables, peas, french fries, seafood, minced and diced meats are just a few of the types of product that can be quick frozen in the Lomax IQF Tunnel.
The Lomax Technical Sales and Project Team works closely with clients in the selection of the system to suit exact product and site space requirements and will advise of the best design to deliver best quality IQF product within your budget.
✔️Bespoke design and project management to suit your requirements and budget
✔️Compact Tunnel arrives ready to connect to services resulting in minimal site work
✔️Modular Tunnel arrives in pre-assembled modules for quick on site installation
✔️Hygienic design allows quick quick cleaning and turn-around to maximise up time
✔️Variable airflow and conveyor speeds provide ultimate in flexibility
✔️Dual freezing zone and gentle product agitation ensures high quality IQF product
✔️ Tunnels are designed and manufactured in the UK by Lomax
✔️ Stainless steel structure with easy to defrost and clean evaporator
✔️ High efficiency axial flow fans with energy saving features
✔️ Options include infeed vibrator, fully automated CIP, stainless mesh belt or plastic modular
✔️ Branded main components ensuring highest quality and reliable backup and spares
✔️ Various levels of ongoing service support offered post standard warranty