Our skewers are produced with top quality white birch, a sugar-rich material particularly suitable for contact with food products.
Other characteristics are the extraordinary resistance, the pure white color and the particularly smooth surface. Our products are developed to be used on automatic skewer machines, therefore more resistant than common skewers, a feature that makes them particularly suitable also for manual threading.
Our skewers are combined with a specific production and referable to their origin through the production lot, displayed on each box. No chemical agents are used during the production and finishing process.
The VN wood skewers are CE (European certified) and CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) certified as well as being indicated for contact with food products. Random samples are sent regularly to laboratories to verify compliance.
Below you can find a list of standard wood skewers, if you are looking for a different skewer you can create it through our configurator and you will receive a personalised quote.